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Exhibitions, concerts and meetings

Kastelbell Castle hosts numerous cultural events such as exhibitions, concerts and meetings dedicated to wine and gastronomy.
Kastelbell Castel which was built in 1238 by the noble Montalban family changed often his owner. In 1813 and 1824 the Castle was mainly destroyed by fire. The earls of Hendl rebuilt a small part for residential purposes and therefore the castle was destined to become dilapidated.

Places of interest

The chapel with its frescoes from the early 14th century and the 16th century which were restored in 2001 the so-called “old kitchen“ in the southern wing, the newly restored palace rooms and the inner courtyard the permanent exhibition about the „Via Claudia Augusta“, the famous Roman road through the Vinschgau Valley.

Art exhibitions

from Easter to the middle of June and in October